‘The soul is the truth of who we are’
Marianne Williamson
What is the Soul?
Your essence who you really are
An internal reference point
Your purpose
Your spiritual self
The Witness
Your Infinite Self
The Yoga of Awareness Kundalini Yoga is designed to awaken you to your Soul by expanding your mind to bring about equilibrium so that through the earthly senses of your physical body you can experience your Infinite Self.
The teacher takes the student to the students infinite identity.
It is the union of consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness.
This union is achieved by the Kundalini Shakti Energy, the spiritual nerve breaking through the blockage at the Muladhara, lowest chakra, working its way up the energy channels either side of the spine. From the rectum to the vocal cord is the Silver Cord, from the neck to the top of the head is the Passage, from the Third Eye to the pineal gland (seat of the soul) is the Golden Cord.
To raise the Kundalini Shakti Energy you apply pressure through the hydraulic locks of the body called Bandh. The locks are a very important part of practicing Kundalini Yoga. This raising of the Kundalini Shakti is done as safetly as possible through preparing the physical body, the energy bodies and the nervous system in preparation, creating a strong foundation first in the lower chakras..
Comparing Kundalini Yoga to other types of Yoga.
My experience of Kundalini Yoga practice is that it has quicker tangible effects on my health, mental stability and happiness. I feel more self directed and purposeful.
Before practicing Kundalini Yoga I practiced and taught Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga both of which are wonderful styles in their own right, however for me Kundalini Yoga encompasses all that I was looking for in a practice, the spirituality, the esoterica, physical and mental challenge and discipline.
The results keep me interested in wanting to know more and passionate about sharing it with others.
This is not a judgement against other styles or schools of Yoga, it is only my personal preference.
With Kundalini Yoga the main focus is not so much on alignment of the Asana such as in the style of Iyengar Yoga, but more concern is placed on the alignment of the spine, circulation of internal energy, glandular secretions and the Kundalini Shakti (feminine) energy. These benefits of course also come with other types of yoga practice, however my experience is that through practicing Kundalini Yoga the benefits feel more obvious and manifest more quickly.
Teachers in Kundalini Yoga never make physical adjustments to students, classes are guided by giving precise instructions following the guidelines given, such as angles, breath, eye position, bandha, mantra and mudra, however the main objective of the class is to experience the flow of energy in our bodies, to take care that we keep good alignment of the spine and use the locks to allow the energy to flow but to also have loving acceptance of where we are at at that moment and to enjoy being human.
In Kundalini yoga we do not mix and match asana to create class plans but we refer to our manuals to choose set Kriyas and pair them with suitable meditations and follow a class structure that is universal to Kundalini Yoga.
Many other yoga traditions focus more on Hinduism and Sanskrit, chanting Om and Namaste and generally mainstream modern yoga has less focus on mudras and mantras as a main part of the class structure.
Although there is some influence from Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism within Kundalini Yoga the language of Gurmukhi is predominant and some of the sacred texts are from the Sikh scriptures. Some of the practices are also influenced by Sikhism. Practicing Kundalini Yoga does not automatically mean you are a Sikh. It is correct to give reverence and respect to this aspect of the practice.
Within the practice of Kundalini Yoga focus is on self initiation it is devised to be practiced by householders, people out in the world sharing their light, not hidden away from the world but living in it, with everyday lives. The guru is the self, the teacher is the guide.
Kundalini Yoga classes have a specific structure and sequence.
Tune in with the Adi Mantra x 3-5
In Easy Pose with Pranam Mudra Prayer Pose.
I bow to the Infinite Creative Consciousness.
I bow to the Divine Wisdom within and without.
This mantra calls upon the Creator, the Divine Teacher inside every human being. It establishes a strong and clear connection so that we can receive the highest guidance, energy and inspiration.
This mantra is to bring us into connection with the Golden Chain and brings G-O-D (that which Generates, Organizes, Delivers or Destroys) and our connection to infinity into our teaching.
Then we chant the Mangala Charn Mantra
x 3 for protection.
Ways to awaken your Soul
Pranayam - a vital tool for cultivating and moving energy within your body, it also serves as a way to develop a relationship to your breath, the vital link to life.
Breath with awareness has the ability to regulate your energy, the quality of your emotions and allows you to direct your mind.
Pranayam at the beginning of each class acts as a ‘channel cleansing’ so the pranic energy can flow through these channels and also through the meridians, these channels are known as Nadis, so that the following kriyas and meditations are effective.
Kriya - a specific set of active Kundalini Yoga exercises with a particular purpose that are followed exactly.
Deep Relaxation - an important part of the class structure as deep relaxation changes the glandular balance of the blood and alters the functioning of the brain. Students are asked to lie in Corpse Pose and keep warm with a blanket. The relaxation can be to a gong, or to gentle music, or a guided visualization. The relaxation is usually 8 - 11 minutes long and there is a specific sequence to come out of the deep relaxation.
Mantra - is a word, sound or verse that is considered sacred and is repeated continuously and this repetition is known as Jaap. Repeating these sacred sounds are a form of meditation. It is the chanting of particular sounds is a way that uses the vibration of sound to physiologically alter the patterns of the brain, the Chakras and the Psyche.
Meditation - these are chosen to compliment the theme of the class and chosen Kriya. Upon ending the students can be asked to vigorously shake their arms overhead to ground themselves and then to rub their palms together ready for the closing prayer.
Blessings - classes are closed with a blessing for ourselves and each other called the Long Time Sun, sat in Easy Pose with Pranam Mudra we sing The Long Time Sun 2 or 3 times. Followed by 3 x Long Sat Nam and then bowing.
Bowing - bowing to the self brings the head lower than the heart symbolizing that the teachings have been assimilated through the heart and not the mind, and is a sign of respect and gratitude to Universal Consciousness.
Book a Soul Shift session - understand your particular strengths and challenges, find out how Kundalini Yoga can specifically assist your personal and business growth with a prescriptive personalised practice.
I practice and teach Kundalini Yoga and offer 1:1 guidance and also group teachings. If you are looking for as a way to know yourself and begin a spiritual practice get in touch for a chat and to find out more.
Release your anger or frustration and have more energy to be creative