A therapeutic and personal development technique that involves postural and breathing assessments, reeducation, somatic training, soft tissue treatments and breath work.

Available online or in person.

My Bodywork technique aims to promote awareness of your bodymind connection and is considered somatic as in "the body as perceived from within”.

The journey starts with a detailed inquiry into

  • how you use your body

  • how you identify and feel towards your body

  • looking at any imbalances and restrictions you experience

Gathering this information leads into a way of cultivating a new way of being.

Together we look at your posture and how you breathe.

Many of us have non optimal breathing patterns that can be limiting our experience of living fully.

Your posture also impacts how you feel in your body and how you experience yourself and interact with others and the World.

We explore together and improve your proprioception, balance, coordination and agility. Proprioception is the sense of self-movement and body position, sometimes described as the "sixth sense" that is the unconscious perception of spatial orientation and movemen. It can become less responsive with age or even through lack of varied movement.

We also explore and strengthen your interoception, your internal perception

This is a non judgemental, non violent, compassionate and healing experience of becoming more in touch with who you are from the aspect of embodiment.

We are seeking to find balance through exploration and tapping into your innate self healing capacity.

Bodywork can be embarked upon as a result of wanting to resolve discomfort in your body or as a means of improving your health, or solely as an exploration of what it is to be fully you.

Get in touch below to learn more about yourself